Jag tror många blev lika chockade och ledsna som jag över att höra på nyheterna i förrgår om att terrorister planerat att spränga ett stort antal flygplan i luften. Lyckligtvis förhindrades dessa onda planer, men nyheten gjorde mig ändå väldigt bedrövad. Man kan ju undra vart den här världen är på väg... :( Detta fick mig att ta fram en låt jag skrev redan 2003 och bearbeta den, och nu kan jag säga att den nästan är klar. Skall nog jobba lite mer med den, men ville skynda mig att få ut orden i låten. Texten ser du här nedan. Bland mina länkar i vänsterspalten finns också ett ljudklipp där jag, utan komp, sjunger melodin. Hoppas kunna byta ut den mot ett ljudklipp med komp senare. Men i morgon har jag ett uppträdande - det är dags för återföreningskonserten jag talade om tidigare. Jag är orolig för min högra underarm känns konstig, och jag skall ju kompa mig på piano. Tur att jag bara skall spela en låt i morgon. Förhoppningsvis är det bara någon muskel jag överansträngt. Lite nattvila nu kommer nog att göra susen.
I think many were as shocked and sad as I by hearing on the news the day before yesterday about terrorists having planned to blow up a large number of aircraft in the air. Luckily these evil plans were stopped, but the news still made me very sad. One can wonder where this world is going... :( This made me pick up a song I wrote already in 2003 and work on it, and now I can say it's almost finished. I'll probably work some more on it, but wanted to hurry to get the words of the song out. You see the lyrics here below. Among my links in the left column is also an audio clip where I, without accompaniment, sing the melody. Hope to be able to change it into an audio clip with accompaniment later. But tomorrow I have a performance - it's time for the reunion concert I talked about earlier. I'm worried because my right underarm feels strange, and I'm to accompany myself on the piano. Luckily I'm only to play one song tomorrow. Hopefully it's just some muscle I've strained. A little night rest now will probably do the trick.
What world is this
that makes you frustrated
What world is this
where love's turned to hatred
What world is this
that only goes faster
in such a speed
we no longer master
What have we done
to the planet we were given
What have we done
and what life is it we're living
What have we done
since all that we're seeing
are things that hurt
every human being
What world is this
yes what's happened here?
We had harmony
now noise is in our ears
When did we lose
the music and start whining?
When did we lose
the words and start fighting?
When did we lose
It seems to me
we need unification
What world is this
yes what's happened here?
We had harmony
now noise is in our ears
What world is this
where did we go wrong?
We had harmony
now we must find the lost song
We had harmony
now we must find the lost song