En månad kvar / One month left
Kom att tänka på i dag att ibland kommer tårar som jag inte vet riktigt vad de betyder, var de kommer från. "Vad betyder tårarna".... det kan nog bli en ny sång av det! Skall försöka att få klart en del halvfärdigt material den här helgen också.
Ja det är ju så många av mina sånger kommer till - jag skriver av mig känslor och tankar för att bearbeta dem... och jag har ju märkt främst senaste året att jag blir grinig om jag inte hinner med min musik och om det går för länge mellan låtarna jag skriver, så det är bara att inse att jag är beroende av musiken! Musikoholist - finns det något sådant ord?
One month left - until what? Until the singing course at Ljusterö! And I still feel tense when I practise my song, especially at the highest phrase. Sure, there's still plenty of time, and sure, it doesn't need to be "finished" voice technically - then there's nothing to work on on it at the course, is there - but I don't know if my tensions are physical or mental, or both. Could be mental tensions because the lyrics make me sometimes think of a special, hard situation one year ago - now it's quite exactly one year ago . But I don't regret my choice of song. It's one of the very best songs with the artist who sings it originally I think, and she has a sound I want to conquer. If I now just allow myself to let out the feelings around the situation one year ago, and if I especially practise just that hardest phrase and intense treat myself with Effortless Mastery, I'm sure the tensions will disappear. I looked for a song with a challenge, and this one is indeed challenging, both vocally and mentally. :)
It crossed my mind today that sometimes tears come that I don't really know what they mean, where they come from. "What do the tears mean"... that could become a new song! I'll try to finish some half finished material this weekend as well.
Well, that's how many of my songs come about - I write off feelings and thoughts to deal with them... and I've noticed especially this past year that I become grumpy if I don't get time for my music and if too much time passes between the songs I write, so I just have to realize that I'm addicted to music! Musicoholic - is there such a word?
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