Hälsningar från Gotland / Greetings from Gotland
Jag tog färjan hit och tar färjan tillbaka i morgon. På båten hit skrev jag en låt jag hade utkast till sedan tidigare, och det blir nog mer skrivet i morgon. Måste säga att jag behövde detta, inte bara för inspiration utan också för att stressa av... Det här kommer att vara en helg jag minns!
Nu är det dags att sova. God natt!
For the first time in my life I'm on Gotland island. I've been in Almedalen, Visby all afternoon and evening to listen to the singer/songwriter festival there. I decided about a month ago to go here to listen, learn and get new inspiration. Then when the program had been settled I saw that there were quite a few that I more or less knew who would play! So it was like coming home to your family, because it's among music people, above all among singer/songwriters, I feel fully at home. With these people I can be who I am and never feel different. Among others I heard an artist who, like me, has the piano as her instrument. I bought her album but didn't dare to go talk to her...
I took the ferry here and will take the ferry back tomorrow. On the boat here I wrote a song that I had a draft for from before, and I guess there will be more written tomorrow. Must say I needed this, not only for inspiration but also to stress down... This will be a weekend I'll remember!
Now it's time to sleep. Good night!
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