Mitt Kreta-äventyr / My Crete adventure
I början av augusti åker jag till Norge för att träffa en Internet-vän, gå på konserter under en musikfestivalvecka där och musicera med henne och kanske också hennes bror som skriver låtar. Den 13 augusti skall vi på singer-songwriterkursen återförenas på Galleri Aguéli i Stockholm, men jag vet inte mer om detta än att vi skall träffas då.
I've now come home after a warm and intense but very rewarding week on a singer-songwriter course in Crete. I can really recommend this course! The people and the place are wonderful and the teachers incredibly inspiring, knowledgeable, kind and caring. They challenge you so you develop. (If you read this - thanks for everything!) See the link "Lendas" to the left for more information.
In the beginning of August, I'm going to Norway to meet an Internet friend, attend concerts during a music festival week there and play some music with her and maybe also her brother who writes songs. On August 13, we on the singer-songwriter course will reunite at Galleri Aguéli in Stockholm, but I don't know more about this yet than that we are to meet then.