Kreativiteten återfunnen! / Creativity retrieved!
Mikrofonen och jag är också bättre vänner nu. Tänker jag på mikrofonen som en i publiken går det lättare, har jag märkt. Jag lägger också märke till mer och mer små positiva saker som händer med min röst nästan varje dag. Förut var det bara de stora framstegen som räknades... Så jag tror jag håller på att förändras också som människa...
An old friend I thought was lost has come back. It's called Creativity. Now I've got both the songwriting and the photographing going again, and tonight I've finished a song that I'll just let mature a little. Probably this is why I've felt a bit irritated lately, because I haven't really had the strength to be creative, and it's when I'm creative that I feel well.
The microphone and I are also better friends now. If I think of the microphone as one in the audience it's easier, I've noticed. I also notice more and more little positive things that happen to my voice almost every day. Before it was only the big steps forward that counted... So I believe I'm changing also as a person...
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