Tack och lov har min vän Kreativitet stannat kvar hos mig den här gången. Jag jobbade på några låtar medan jag satt på utställningen och väntade på folk i dag. Hoppas ha ett antal nya låtar med mig, förutom skivan, när jag åker till Irland i höst! Längtar också efter att åka ut på en fotoexkursion någonstans snart...
Nedan ser ni mig i galleriet!
Right now I'm having the photo exhibition I mentioned earlier. The vernissage was this past Friday, but I've either done too little advertising, or Friday nights is a bad time, because not a single person came when I was to do my show. But I don't give up, but have decided to try again on Monday and do some more advertising until then. So after the exhibition hours today, I went out for a little advertising tour. I put up ads on some public bulletin boards and am going to put up yet some more tomorrow morning.
Thank Goodness my friend Creativity has remained with me this time. I worked on some songs while I was at the exhibition waiting for people today. Hope to have a number of new songs with me, besides the CD, when I go to Ireland in the autumn! I also long to go out on a photo excursion soon...
Below you see me in the gallery!
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