Förkylt! / Cold!
Nog dåliga nyheter. Positivt är att jag har ett par nya låtar på gång, i en stil som jag känner kan bli mitt "hem"! En är nästan klar, den behöver bara text.
Men i kväll skall jag koncentrera mig på att bli frisk!
Just when I had said "knock on wood, I haven't had a cold on this whole autumn", I got a cold! That's why I'm not participating in "open stage" tonight. :( I don't have a sore throat or cough, but my nose is running. I hate to make the audience disappointed, but I have to put my health first. Hope it turns around until I go to a singing course on Friday! I'm doing my best to cure myself.
Enough bad news. Positive is that I have a couple of new songs in the works, in a style I feel can become my "home"! One is almost done, it just needs lyrics.
But tonight I'll concentrate on getting well!
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