Hade sånglektion i går och det gick bra. Det börjar hända saker redan! På kvällen letade jag fram ett par låtar jag fått förslag på att sjunga. Trodde inte de skulle passa mig, men efter att ha känt på dem, och med det jag lärt mig nu, tror jag att jag kan klara av dem.
I dag fick jag besked om att låtskrivarkursen jag anmält mig till kommer att bli av. Tror det är bra att gå den för att få en "kick" att skriva regelbundet. Har inte hört talas om kursledaren där förut. Vi får se hur den kursen blir.
I was to one more concert this past weekend! A concert on a roof! Both the Crete course leaders played, and the hostess of course. That was a great concert! I didn't mean to forget to write about it, I was probably all too filled with the music I heard that night...
I had a singing lesson yesterday and it went well. Things are starting to happen already! In the evening I looked up a couple of songs I've been suggested to sing. Didn't think they'd suit me, but after having got a feeling of them, and with what I've learned now, I think I can handle them.
Today I was informed that the songwriting course I had signed up for will take place. I believe it's good to take it to get a "kick" to write regularly. Haven't heard of the course leader there before. We'll see how that course turns out.
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