Uppdatering och tankar / Update and thoughts
På onsdag spelar jag på "Öppen scen" på Folkkulturcentrum i Hjorthagen i Stockholm. Nästa helg åker jag till Ljusterö på sångworkshop. Ser jättemycket fram emot det, mycket för att den kurs jag var på där i somras gav mig sångglädjen tillbaka!
There's been a lot for a while, among other things I've been ill and after that very stressed out. But now I'm back on track so to speak, and I want to tell you that it's much thanks to singing and music. Music heals! Right now I'm in my old hometown to "weed" among my things before I sell the apartment and move everything to my new apartment in December, and then I found an essay I wrote in high school. The subject was "What music (or some other hobby) means to me". At that time, music was my life as soon as I wasn't in school. Now music has reclaimed the same self-evident place in my life! I noticed it also today when a friend took me to a concert so that I got a break in the moving hustle. After the concert, I felt like a human again with new energy!
On Wednesday I'll be playing at "open stage" at Folkkulturcentrum in Hjorthagen in Stockholm. Next weekend I'm going to Ljusterö on a singing workshop. I'm looking very much forward to that, much because the course I went to there this past summer gave me the joy of singing back!
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