Orkestertankar / Orchestra thoughts
Men tyvärr måste jag nog inse att mina öron inte klarar av att spela i symfoniorkester längre. Flera av blåsarna var inte där i dag, men jag kände hur gäll piccolaflöjten var. Jag kommer att behöva öronproppar, och då kommer jag inte att höra vad dirigenten säger. Skall fundera tills i morgon, men lutar åt att jag frågar dirigenten om hon känner till någon stråkorkester eller stråkensemble som vill ha en violast.
Det ligger nog mycket i det violinisten Itzhak Perlman sade en gång: "Sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left"...
Today I went and tried how it felt to play with the orchestra I mentioned the other day. It was fun, but I almost panicked when the first piece was quite a difficult piece by Ravel and I just had found out that new members may try a rehearsal or two first, then they have to audition! But the conductor said that the audition normally isn't that serious. The other things we played went without big problems.
But sadly I'll have to realize that my ears can't handle playing in a symphony orchestra anymore. Several of the wind musicians weren't there today, but I felt how shrill the piccola flute was. I'll have to use earplugs, and then I won't be able to hear what the conductor says. I'll think about it until tomorrow, but am considering asking the conductor if she knows some string orchestra or ensemble that would like a viola player.
There's probably a lot of truth in what the violinist Itzhak Perlman once said: "Sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left"...
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