Planeringsmöte och panik / Planning meeting and panic
Efter mötet spelade vi lite för varandra, och då var det första gången jag spelade gitarr för den här gruppen. Precis när jag börjat spela, kände jag nervositeten och paniken komma och jag kunde inte stoppa de känslorna. Vet inte varför - jag skulle inte behöva vara nervös i den här gruppen när jag känner alla vid det här laget. Det gick ganska bra ändå tror jag - jag som normalt spelar piano.
Yesterday I was in Stockholm on a planning meeting with the gang from the Crete course for our forthcoming CD. It was fun and it will be really thrilling to work with this. We'll all include one song each (we're 12 people). At first I was totally clear about what song to take, but now I'm not happy with the lyrics for it and whatever I do, it will never feel genuine. So I've now decided to take another, newer song, which I'll probably also include in my own new demo CD.
After the meeting we played a little for each other, and then it was the first time I played the guitar for this group. Just when I'd started to play, I felt the nervosity and the panic come and I couldn't stop those feelings. Don't know why - I shouldn't have to be nervous in this group when I know everyone by now. It went quite well still I think - I who normally play the piano.
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